Anitah Journals❤️

Growth is inevitable.🌸✨

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Sunday May 21, 2023

Heyy there!🤍 Episode 3 is now out to remind you to be grateful and content! You lose absolutely nothing by being grateful. We often focus on the negatives and forget how blessed we are. This is to remind you to look back and be grateful for the little and the big things in your life. You are loved and you are blessed. Just because things aren't going well or you wish you'd be somewhere else rather than where you are, doesn't mean you should forget how blessed you are!💪
Enjoy and stay blessed💕

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021

Hey you! Welcome to my podcast, Anitah Journals. 🤍This episode is a reminder that you are Loved! God has not forgotten you! It hurts and it pains you but only God understands and only He will come through for you, so trust him and hold onto him. His silence does not mean He is absent🥺, He is at WORK!🔥🙌🏾
Feel free to like, share and subscribe.
God bless you!🤍
Music at the end-CHRYSOLITE,"Rejoice~Thokoza"💕🎶

Thursday Aug 05, 2021

Hi. Welcome to my podcast. On this first episode, the title is Hold on, He is in control as a reminder that we should not forget whose we are. A reminder that God is bigger than our problems so let us hold his hand.🤍
Hope you enjoy this podcast. Feel free to comment, like and give reviews.
God bless.😘
Kindly use your headsets. 💯

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